Thursday 20 January 2011

Slimming Word WI #3

So tonight is the dreaded weigh in! I'm desperate for a loss this week, if I get a loss I'll stay for image therapy, if not then I'll come home. I don't want to sit around with everyone telling me how great their loss is when I've gained etc.

I daren't eat today :( I'm so worried about gaining.

Will update this after 5pm when I get back from WI.

*fingers crossed* for a loss!

Oh I should have put my measurements up on the first blog but I forgot so I'll do them now


EDIT: I've lost the half pound I put on last week so I guess that's progress! CBA with Image Therapy but will try and do it next week.

Wednesday 19 January 2011

Wii Fit day #3

Been on the wii fit on the free step, only problem was my balance board kept losing the connection. Hopefully it will sort itself out before I do Biggest Loser later. Tea tonight is a (healthy) fry up! The wiii reckons I've lost 2lbs! So hopefully by tomorrows weigh in it will still be a loss.I even had an apple today!

For next week I'm going to be tactful and have tesco's version of slimfast during the day. I guess it's cheating but I really want a good result and I want a sticker! Been taking Home Bargain's version of diet pills and drinking lots of green tea. Bascially i'm doing everything I can to lose weight!

Wish me luck for tomorrow's WI!

Sunday 16 January 2011

Wii Fit..Day...erm...where was I

Ok so i haven't been on the Wii everyday BUT i bought The Biggest Loser Challenge game and I went on it last night and tonight! 20 minutes each time, which doesn't seem like much but when you're as unfit as I am it's a start! Might try and get some free step in as well.

Thursday 13 January 2011

Second Slimming World WI

Ok, I'm nervous.

It's my first proper weigh in tonight and I'm sure I've gained lbs as opposed to lost. My scales put me at a loss (of about 5lbs!) but the scales in Boots said I've gained 2lbs :( so i don't know which to believe!

I'm going to WI at 5pm so will update this post when I come back..stay tuned!

EDIT: I've gained half a pound :( feel like shit so I didn't stay any longer than to weigh in.

Thursday 6 January 2011

Slimming World-The Beginning


I've officially joined Slimming World.

My start weight is 19st 19lbs and BMI is 43.3

My club 10 target is 17st 19lbs-i aim to do this by June!

I'm hoping long term to get down to 10st 10lbs


First meeting went well, everything was explained in detail and I think I understand how the whole thing works, I'll be following the Extra Easy plan as i reckon that will be easiest to stick with :)

Woo so excited at the start of my journey!

Tuesday 4 January 2011

Before...the first pic

Ok this is the most recent picture of me, its unflattering at the highest level but hopefully it will shame me into losing weight.

Monday 3 January 2011

Wii Fit day #1

Just got in 20 minutes on the wii fit doing free step. My other goal is to clock up 45 mins worth of wii fit-tage a day, working up to an hour!!